Roadmap (FinTech)
Realizing FinTech Services on the Blockchain
FinTech services realized on the blockchain (This service will proceed after integration with centralized wallet services.)
ZIGAP Pay service enables payment processing by charging utility tokens with the stable coins. It allows users to enjoy payment processing and cash withdrawals in the real-world financial sector, leveraging the fast processing speed of the blockchain network and the stability derived from complete decentralization.
(1) Business Model
○ Payment Business (B2C)
- Similar to KakaoPay service – Charging and payment
- Connected to Mastercard Crypto Card Solution
- Equipped with plastic card & mobile pay barcode
○ Future Expansion of Commerce Business Models (B2B, Franchise)
- Prioritize O2O service areas (Taxi/Uber, hotel reservation, delivery, etc)
(2) Revenue Model
○ ZIGAP PAY Membership Fees
- Membership fee, Annual fee, Card issuance fee, etc
- Purchase/join in the form of NFTs on HAPPIC(ZIGAP Membership NFT marketplace)
- Consideration of Providing Integrated Benefits for Seoul Labs dApp Services
○ ZIGAP Pay Payment Processing Fees
- 1% of transaction amount (subject to change)
Last updated